#ASPHYXIA /animated 4 f/s /Choking Can occur in adults as well as small children. {Choking} is always due to foreign body lodging at entrance of wind pipe, where {pharynx} divides into {oesophagus} & {trachea}. Smothering {asphyxia}, by intentional or accidental obstruction to air passages (e.g. a pillow), shares similar diagnosis & treatment. CAUSE: In elderly, false teeth may be inhaled. Food can lodge in this area both in young children & adults. Small toys, peanuts & coins can be inhaled by young children. Acute infection of vocal chords & back of {pharynx}, such as {diphtheria}, can also cause obstruction. Acute {epiglottitis} can be fatal if not correctly treated in acute stage. #Abdominal thrust DIAGNOSIS: Patient distressed & makes loud high-pitched sound when trying to inhale. Face ashen & lips blue or {cyanosed}. May be semi-conscious. TREATMENT: Call for medical aid as death can occur very rapidly unless the obstruction is cleared. If possible get a suitably qualified person to try to dislodge foreign body with abdominal thrusts (the Heimlich maneuver). !b! It's important to practise the abdominal thrust technique under trained supervision. There's no substitute for practical knowledge & experience.!n! #ASPHYXIA /animated 4 f/s Usually with infectious causes of asphyxia (e.g. {poliomyelitis}), due warning of the severe illness is given. In this case, paralysis of limbs occurs before respiratory problems. There is 1 form of poliomyelitis which attacks the brain stem at onset & this is often fatal. All individuals should consider vaccination against poliomyelitis to eradicate this disease. Similarly, protection from {diphtheria} by vaccination is the best form of treatment. Obstructive material in diphtheria forms a {pseudo-membrane} over the {pharynx}. This obstructs the {airway} & prevents air from reaching {lungs}. Disease is caused by bacterial infection.